CPD Certified Positive Handling Online Training Course For Schools
We offer an online positive handling course for schools, or childminders training programme, as positive handling within the school or childminding environment is a very serious subject.
To help you understand the many issues surrounding this subject, and to help you understand when it is appropriate to, or how to act in a situation our online positive handling for schools course offers you an easy to understand approach to this subject.
Our online positive handling course schools training programme is cpd certified and is an ideal training platform for school teachers, support staff including LSA’s, TA’s, childminders, nursery staff, staff who work with creche’s or anyone who is required, or would like to gain up to date certification in positive handling in the school environment.
Register and Start Below
- Introduction and The Course Structure
- A Serious Business
- Aggression Curve
- The SCARF Model
- Government Advice and Guidance
- Making decisions: Duty of Care
- The Law
- Physical Intervention and Restraint
- Screening, Searching and Confiscation
Training is conducted using video based instruction using free positive handling training videos, and each video can be paused or rewound to gain a better understanding of the course content and structure. Once you have successfully completed this course you will be able to download & print your free positive handling schools certification.
You can register and start by clicking the “Begin Training” button above, or for additional information regarding the course content follow this link to our online positive handling schools training page.